The Macedon and Mt Macedon Landcare Group formed at the end of 2022, after a series of public meetings initiated by the Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network.  We are a member of Landcare Victoria and part of the Landcare movement. This map shows the area we cover.

Our purpose is to inspire people to care, repair and protect the flora, fauna and ecosystems of the Macedon and Mount Macedon district.

We value…

  1. Earth and Humanity - We tread lightly, mindful we are custodians of the future; we listen to and advocate for the natural environment

  2. Neighbourly and Non-Judgemental: We are community focussed: sharing, connecting, including and respecting the groups and people in our communities. 

  3. Evidence based action and innovation: we take action informed by best practice and local, indigenous and scientific knowledge. 

Meet the Committee

(Images bear no resemblance, in either physical or character traits, to persons named! And maybe one day we'll all write little blurbs about ourselves, but for now this is it!)

  • Kate Lawrence


  • Melanie Matthews


  • PJ Cushen


  • Andrew Sundblom


  • Tyson Clingan


  • Peter Davies