Think Global, Act Local…

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Get involved in Landcare!

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For you…

Social participation has been linked to the wellbeing of individuals, families and their communities in a range of studies, with high levels of community participation found to be associated with better physical and mental wellbeing.

Getting involved in community is good for you. It provides a sense of belonging and social connectedness. It can also offer extra meaning and purpose to everyday life.

And finally, people who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer.

Add to this the many clear benefits of connecting to nature and you get a double bonus when you get involved in Landcare.

For the environment…

If you live in Macedon or Mt Macedon, chances are one of the big things you love about this area is the environment - the forests and mountains, the wildlife and the wildflowers.

Maybe you’re also concerned about climate change and impact this will have on the place you love. Maybe you wonder what or how you can contribute, or make a difference and feel small in the face of the challenges.

Indigenous Australian have a saying ‘care for country’ - its actually more than a saying its a core value of how they relate to the Earth. This is what Landcare is. It is one plant, one waterway, one weed and one community connection at a time.

Stay in the Loop

There are a couple of email lists worth signing up to, to stay up to date on environmental news and events in the in Macedon Ranges. Here's how you can get on the list: 
MRSC Environmental Enews - You can sign up and read the latest and back issues here. 
Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network - There are two networks of landcare groups in our area. We are part of the Jacksons Creek EcoNetwork, which is supported by the older more organised Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network, which employs our local Landcare Facilitator. Ammie Jackson. Each month Ammie puts together a really comprehensive enews, with the events of all the groups, grant opportunities and a bunch of other info.  You can sign up here